Our final day on the ship, and we’re up early again. We got up, got dressed, put the last of our stuff in the suitcases, and went up to the buffet for a final breakfast while the ship docked at the Galveston Cruise Terminal. It was a little hectic in the hallways, which is understandable as everyone’s getting ready to get off and the crew is trying to turn everything around for the next group of passengers. After eating we got a few more pictures of the ship and then headed back to the cabin. So, with full bellies, and a cup of coffee in me, we grabbed our luggage and headed for the elevators. Bad idea. They were completely packed and we didn’t have a prayer of catching one that could fit our bags. So I grabbed each one and ferried them down the two flights of stairs to our staging area for self disembarkation. When we got there, staff told us to just head off the ship, that there was no need to wait, so we did. It was more hurry up and wait, since we had to get in line to clear customs. That was a breeze, other than the wait in line, which really wasn’t that bad.
After a short wait for Darleen and Mitch to meet us, we loaded the luggage in the truck and headed for the house to do a little unpacking, sorting, and repacking so that we could ship some of our stuff back and still make the airline’s weight limits. Thankfully we’re flying Southwest, so there’s no checked bag fees. After that we headed out to get some lunch and stop by a UPS Store to ship the extras home, including the robes, picture frames, hot sauces, and chocolates. Once that was done, we ran a few errands and then met up with my sister-in-law and my niece and nephew for dinner. It was good seeing them, it’s been too long. They’re both great kids, and I’m hoping to get Reese down here this summer to spend some time with them. I think they’d all like that.
After a nice dinner, we headed back to the house to hang out for a little while before turning it. The flight home is tomorrow…