Dread Empire’s Fall: The Praxis

I picked up a couple books to read during the flight and got most of the way through this one on the way out. I finished it off tonight after class… I was intrigued by its premise, that humanity had been dominated, not really conquered, by an alien race who completely rewrote the belief system of any race that it encountered. Usually by bombarding the planet in question for a while. The book starts out with a little introduction to The Praxis and how humanity got to be where it is now, but the real action doesn’t start until the last member of that race dies. That one death set in motion what looks like the destruction of the empire that had been built over the last few thousand years. By the end of the book there’s a civil war going on and I’m really not sure where it’s going to go from here. It was a good read though and the other two volumes of the trilogy are definitely in my future…