I lucked out and was able to attend for a couple hours today. It’s the first Apple trade show I’ve been to in about 15 years and was just as much fun and a LOT bigger. There were a ton of vendors and quite a few caught my eye.
Software Bisque is about to bring out a port of their The Sky package and I will be buying it when it’s available. The demo they had running looked great and I can’t wait to have a native Mac based astronomy package. That only leaves the Garmin GPS holding me to Windows.
I also picked up a Tough Skin iPod case from Speck Products because the show discount was so good. It’s a great case, and covers up everything possible, including the screen. The controls and data ports are all still available and the thickness of the case doesn’t impair them at all.
Canon also had a big booth set up showing off all of their wares. I got a chance to play with the macro lens I’ve been looking at picking up and it’s now at the top of my list.
All in all it was a lot of fun and if I’m in town the same time next year I’ll more than likely attend.