Tonight was a concert that I’ve been looking forward to for a while now, Collective Soul and Live, both bands that I’ve liked and wanted to see. The show was at Nokia Live in Grand Prairie, which is an excellent venue for these types of concerts.
The opening act was Emerson Hart, of Tonic fame. He did a good, though short (about 30 minutes) set, including some Tonic songs as well as stuff from his solo project.
After he finished there was a short break to tear down/set up and Collective Soul took the stage. They played for about an hour and a half, playing many of their old favorites as well as some songs off the new album.
Another break for more set work and Live took the stage. I’ll admit that I wasn’t really looking forward to them, I’d really come to see Collective Soul, but by the end of the first song I was hooked. They’ve got a great stage presence and really played to the audience.