On the way out to dinner the main spring on the garage door broke, leaving it stuck half way down and the top panel hanging off the track. We messed with it when we got back and got it to shut completely by taking the cables off the bottom. It’s shut and locked, with zip ties keeping the top panel in place. I’ve got a call in to a repair company and they’ll be out on Friday. Reese wanted to go to the Scouting Museum more than the zoo, so we’re putting the work off a day. Updates once the work is complete.
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Lego Discovery Center
We got moving early today and got over to Grapevine Mills to spend some time at the Lego Discovery Center. It was a little smaller than I expected, but it was still a lot of fun. When we got in we went through the “factory” where they make Lego bricks. From there we looked at the exhibit of models of local buildings and landmarks. The builders did a great job on them! After that we spent a bunch of time building cars and testing them on the tracks as well as trying to knock down buildings on the shaking tables. Then we went over to the 4D theater and watched a fun movie. To cap it off, we hit the store and picked up some kits to build.
Volcanic Fermentation
We got up this morning to get ready to go to the Lego Discovery Center over at Grapevine Mills, but before leaving I decided to show Reese what the fermentation looked like. It was a good thing that I did, because the airlock had clogged and popped off. The inside of the chiller was filled with foam and it was continuing to pour out of the carboy. No worries about infection! I hunted around for the right tubing and parts to make an emergency blow-off tube setup and scored, but I had to cut up the tubing from my Auto Siphon to do it. It’s now bubbling furiously into a jug of water and we’re on the way to play with Legos. Photos are after the jump…
Brewing With Reese
Reese and I brewed up the first batch of Rick’s Barleywine today. It was nice having a helper around, and a good time was had by all. After we got it chilled and in the carboy, Reese pitched the yeast then helped me button up the chiller. O.G. Is 1.093, so definitely a big beer!
Motorcycle Day
Reese and I took the rear wheel off of the BMW this morning and then loaded up it and the new tire and took them down to Cycle Gear to get it mounted. While we were there we picked out some boots, gloves, armor, and a helmet so that he can come riding with me and his uncle. After we got done with all of that we came back, had some dinner, and played a bunch of Wii.
The Peshawar Lancers
Vulpine gave me a copy of [amazon_link id=”0451458737″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=””]The Peshawar Lancers[/amazon_link] for Christmas and thanks to school and work I haven’t been able to read it as quickly as I really wanted to. It was a very well written book, and I really wanted to read it faster, but responsibility won out.
It’s an alternative history story about the world as it exists after most of Europe and America are wiped out thanks to massive cometary impacts in the late 1870s. The British Empire has relocated to India and now rules about half of the world, though elements that make up the other half aren’t happy about that. There’s a lot of well written action, good political intrigue, and just a great, believable story. If you’re a fan of S.M. Stirling’s other works, or if you like the alternative history genre, you should check it out.
Reese Is In Town
I got out to the airport and picked Reese up this afternoon. It was his first unaccompanied flight, and he did really well. It’s good to see him again, the distance is tough. We grabbed some lunch and then went up to Homebrew Headquarters to pick up supplies for a forthcoming brew day. After that we headed back and spent a bunch of time playing on the Wii and hanging out. We’ll be going up to church and making the starter for the beer brewing tomorrow, provided work doesn’t interrupt too much tonight.